Board Meetings and Minutes


Regular Board Meetings for the 2024-2025 fiscal year are scheduled on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m.

Notice of Meetings 2024-2025

The Bayshore Fire Protection & Rescue Service District Board of Commissioners will hold their regular monthly Board of Commissioners meeting for September immediately following the preliminary budget hearing scheduled at 7:00 p.m. Tuesday September 10, 2024. Final Budget Hearing will be held Tuesday September 24th at 7:00pm at Bayshore Fire Station 1 at the address noted below.

Regular Board meetings for the 2024-2025 fiscal year will remain scheduled on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00p.m. Those dates are as follows: October 8, 2024, November 12, 2024, December 10, 2024, January 14, 2025, February 11, 2025, March 11, 2025, April 8, 2025, May 13, 2025, June 10, 2025, July 8, 2025, August 12, 2025 and September 9, 2025. All above noticed meetings will be held at 17350 Nalle Road, North Fort Myers, FL 33917. If an individual requires special aid or services as addressed in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), please contact Chief Underwood at (239)543-3443.


Bayshore Fire Rescue Administration Building
Training Room
17350 Nalle Road (map)
North Fort Myers, Fl 33917
(239) 543-3443 Phone



January: Agenda | Minutes

February: Agenda | Minutes

March: Agenda | Minutes

April: Agenda | Minutes

May: Agenda | Minutes

June: Agenda (rev) | Minutes

July: Canceled

August: Agenda | Minutes

September: Agenda (rev) | Minutes
Preliminary Budget Hearing: Agenda | Minutes
Final Budget Hearing: Agenda | Minutes

October: Canceled

November: Agenda | Minutes

December: Agenda | Minutes


January: Agenda | Minutes

February: Agenda | Minutes

March: Agenda | Minutes

April: Agenda | Minutes

May: Agenda | Minutes

June: Agenda | Minutes

July: Agenda | Minutes

August: Agenda | Minutes

September: Agenda | Minutes
Preliminary Budget Hearing: Agenda | Minutes
Final Budget Hearing: Agenda | Minutes

October: Agenda | Minutes

November: Agenda | Minutes

December: Agenda | Minutes

Public input is encouraged and will be taken. If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Board with respect to any matter considered at any of the above referenced meetings, that person will need a record of the proceedings and may need to insure that a verbatim record of the proceeding is made, which recording includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.

Documents are encoded using the free reader software. If an individual requires special aid or services as addressed in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), please contact Chief Underwood at (239) 543-3443.